Would you like to recognize your dancer or business?
Help sponsor AODA Fayetteville’s annual recital by placing an advertisement in our recital program!
Alpha & Omega Dance Academy’s annual recital (this year is Rapunzel!) is coming up on June 10 & 11, 2022, and our recital program is the perfect way for you to highlight your student or business. We’d love to help you advertise your business or recognize your special student! In previous years we have had over 1500 in attendance, and that is not counting any virtual audience we may be able to have. In addition to the physical programs we will give to our audience, we will also provide a digital PDF of the program to those viewing our live-stream.
If you are interested, see the rates below and then click the button at the bottom of the page to fill out the online form.
Deadline for submission is May 10. Payment must be received in full at time of submission.