sick guidelines
Deciding when a child is too sick to go to class can be a difficult decision for parents to make. When trying to decide, use these guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider.
1. If your child has a temperature of 100.0F or greater they should stay home. Your child should not return to class until the fever has been gone for at least 24 hours without medication.
2. If your child is complaining of a severe sore throat, they should stay home and be seen by their health care provider. If an antibiotic is prescribed, he/she may return after 24 hours of use.
3. If your child has severe cold symptoms with thick discharge (especially green discharge) from the nose, or has a wheezing, croupy cough, they should stay home.
4. If your child vomited during the night, he/she should stay home until there is no vomiting for 24 hours and they are able to tolerate a meal.
5. If your child has diarrhea, they should stay home until the diarrhea has passed.
6. If your child woke up with one or both eyes red, sealed with discharge, and/or it is itchy or painful, he/she should stay home and be seen by their health care provider. If prescribed an antibiotic eye drop, he/she may return after 24 hours of use.
7. If your child has an unknown rash he/she should stay home and be evaluated by their health care provider. If prescribed an antibiotic they may return after 24 hours of use. Please cover any open or oozing sores.
8. In the event that your child is showing signs of sickness and/or negative changes in behavior, temperament, or classroom performance due to various health concerns (i.e. fatigue, colds, constipation, etc.) you may be called to pick up your child.
Please consider the health of your child and the other children in the class and follow these guidelines before sending your child to class. Keep these guidelines handy in order to determine when your child should return to class after being ill. Recovery time for a sick child is shorter when they are given plenty of rest. Thank you for helping us maintain a healthy and happy environment for all of our students!